Main Camera Movements

*Due to the school WI-FI, all videos have been blocked from my access, so I must use a still image.*

The main camera movements are as follows:

  • Tilt
  • Pan
  • Pedestal
Image result for pacific rim fight scenes
This scene, from Pacific Rim 2, is a MLS that pans into this scene. I as both subjects with equal space on the screen, showing that they are both equal, as explained in the video by DSLR Guide we watched in class.

Image result for tilt shot in movies
This shot, from The Avengers, is a tilt shot, as it vertically tracks him as he falls off the building. It utilizes the background to create a sense of disarray and destruction, similarly to how Akira Kurosawa utilized the elements in his backgrounds.
Image result for pan shot in movies
This scene, also from The Avengers, utilizes pan camera movement, as it pans to show the viewer all characters who will be participating in the upcoming fight. The background, like the previous scene, makes the viewer realize that the city is destroyed, showing the seriousness of the scene.
