For this film, I went through a different process of editing my film. Since I didn't take any of the shots and my knowledge of the film was solely limited to the barebones script that was given, I watched through all of the clips and began to use markers to splice up the different clips into short edits that I would be willing to use. After that, it was a simple process of rebuilding the script using the snip-its I edited which was relatively easy. I had a problem with audio throughout the entire movie though. The directors would ALWAYS talk through their clips so I had to maneuver around that, whether it be me muting the clip (Which makes the flow way worse) or just not using entire clips in general. The only transitions I used throughout the entire film was a simple audio transition to try and better the flow, instead of having a really quiet clip and the BAM - a loud scream. Personally, I would say this was one of my least technical edits ever. I didn't really do much "editing"; rather, I kind of just pieced things together that followed the script.
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